Deciding What You Want is the First Step to Getting It

When working with my clients, one of the very first steps we take is to help them get crystal clear about what they want.

Most people will tell you that they aren’t happy or don’t feel satisfied in life because they don’t have what they want.  Yet, the main reason people don’t have what they want is because they haven’t DECIDED
what they want.

When you live your life not defining your desires in clear, specific detail, then you end up settling for whoever and whatever shows up.

Click the image below to watch this week’s video and discover where you might be settling:

There’s something inside each of us, deep down, that knows exactly what we want and who we want to be.

We started out in life knowing what we wanted and we were completely unafraid and uninhibited about asking for it.  We cried out loud until our needs and desires were met, and once we were crawling and walking, we went after what we wanted with full force.

And then, people started telling us we couldn’t have what we wanted.  We heard things like, “Don’t touch that, get down, leave that alone, eat everything on your plate whether you like it or not, you don’t really feel that way, you can’t have everything you want, stop being selfish, stop doing what you’re doing and do what I want you to do.”

After years of hearing these types of messages, most people settle into a habitual way of living that is based on doing a lot of things we don’t want to do but that please a lot of other people.

It’s not selfish to go after who you were meant to become. Those around you can only benefit from seeing you reach your highest potential and achieve your dreams.

Take some time to ask yourself, “What kind of person do I want to be?” “What do I really want to do, and what kind of life do I really want to have?”

Then ask yourself, “What can I do today, to get me  just a little closer to that?” And then decide to start taking action.

Have a great week!

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What People Are Saying:

Coaching with Edie has been a very positive and motivating experience for me.  Things I kept putting off became my focus, I took action, and accomplished them very quickly with just her asking the RIGHT questions.  I have written down my goals - something I normally don't like to do - and I am seeing my goals being met on a weekly and monthly basis.  When I didn't meet a specific goal I had for the week, she completely took a positive side and we moved forward for the next week.  I knew what I wanted in my life, I just wasn't focusing or putting it to action like I am now.  Thank you Edie for your support, positive influence and the nudges from behind!

- Teresa S.

Edie really helped me gain a lot of insight into my professional and personal life. It was an eye-opening experience. I look forward to achieving some of the goals that we talked about, and I am confident that I will achieve them with Edie's support and guidance.

- Ellie M.