This week’s video is in honor of today’s Holiday, and how Dr. Martin Luther King inspires all of us to use our voice to speak up about the things that really matter. I get pretty personal in this video about how I’ve learned to speak up and use my own voice for positive personal change […]
This week’s Vlog is a short video containing a message that I believe has the ability to make a bigger impact on your life and level of happiness than anything else. Click the image below to watch this now. If you liked this video and it helps you, please share it by clicking the icons […]
So many of us set New Year’s Resolutions with the BEST of intentions, only to find ourselves falling back into our old habits and routines just a few weeks later. Watch this short video to find out how to help your resolutions STICK this year. Click on the image below to play this short 5-minute […]
In this quick (3 min) video, I discuss hectic schedules as everyone heads back to school and our fall routines and what can happen if you don’t “schedule” time for your partner. Do you struggle with keeping love and intimacy a priority? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. And you […]
This week’s Vlog is in celebration of Independence Day here in the United States and a reminder for us to recognize ALL the freedoms we have. Watch the video below to be reminded of some personal freedoms that we all have that can significantly improve our relationships if we choose to use them. Happy 4th […]