Can you help me?
I need your help! If you’re willing to carve out just a few minutes
and answer this one question for me, it will help me SO MUCH!
I recorded a quick video below (just over 3 minutes long) explaining
what I’m working on and how you can help me.
Click the video below to play it and then click the link below the video to submit
your response.
Email your feedback to
Send me your response to the question I ask in the video by clicking
here. Put “My biggest relationship frustration is…” in the subject
line so I know you are responding to this video.
If you are willing to take just a few minutes to help me today, I will
do a happy, happy dance, and I know I will be able to do a much
better job of helping people.
Thanks in advance!
~Edie Kay
Tags: edie kay, edk coaching, life coach, life coaching, marriage advice, marriage help, marriage tips, relationship advice, relationship coach, relationship help, relationship survey, relationship tips, survey