Season’s “Greetings” and Daily Greetings… Make it Count
The saying "Season's Greetings" triggered this blog post. It made me think of how much it impacted my relationships with people when I paid attention to the crucial "end of the day" greetings with the people I care about. Now, I'm not expecting you to do the "bear hug" before they get out of the car. I don't want you to change who you are. I'm just high energy – high drama, so a bear hug is how I roll 😉 Just be you, but be PRESENT, FULLY present and authentic in your greetings and watch some cool stuff start to happen in those relationships! Happy Holidays!!!!
Tags: edie kay, edk coaching, greetings, life advice, life coach, life coaching, life priorities, life strategies, life tips, presence, relationship advice, relationship coach, relationship coaching, relationship strategies, relationship tips, seasons greetings, the importance of presence