Tag Archive | "relationship tip"

Dog Fight

My husband and I had a pretty big fight recently and at the end of all of it, I got some pretty cool lessons, so I thought I’d share the story with you in the video below: I hope that helps you when you are dealing with a similar situation where two people in the […]

Yard Sales and My *Jerk* Husband

Ever feel like your spouse or partner doesn’t get you at all? Or what’s worse, ever feel like they know what you want/need and are blatantly NOT giving that to you? Here’s a short video that sheds some light on our non-mind-reading boys, and how we can adjust some of our own programming to communicate […]

Intimacy Exercise: 5 to 10 Second Kiss~

What People Are Saying:

Coaching with Edie has been a very positive and motivating experience for me.  Things I kept putting off became my focus, I took action, and accomplished them very quickly with just her asking the RIGHT questions.  I have written down my goals - something I normally don't like to do - and I am seeing my goals being met on a weekly and monthly basis.  When I didn't meet a specific goal I had for the week, she completely took a positive side and we moved forward for the next week.  I knew what I wanted in my life, I just wasn't focusing or putting it to action like I am now.  Thank you Edie for your support, positive influence and the nudges from behind!

- Teresa S.

Edie really helped me gain a lot of insight into my professional and personal life. It was an eye-opening experience. I look forward to achieving some of the goals that we talked about, and I am confident that I will achieve them with Edie's support and guidance.

- Ellie M.